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Comprehension Passage - The Search for Honey - JSS2 English language Lesson Note

Comprehension: The Search for Honey

The passage below is from Kola Onadipe’s "The Adventure of Souza," where the protagonist, Souza, embarks on a quest to find honey.

In the heart of the dense forest, amidst towering trees and lush undergrowth, Souza, a young and adventurous boy, set out on a quest—a quest for honey. With a determined glint in his eye and a sense of excitement pulsating through his veins, he navigated through the winding paths, his senses alive with the promise of discovery.

The forest was alive with activity—birds chirped melodiously, squirrels scampered among the branches, and the gentle hum of insects filled the air. But Souza paid little heed to these distractions; his focus was singular, his goal unwavering.

As he ventured deeper into the woods, the foliage grew denser, the air thick with the scent of earth and moss. Yet, Souza pressed on, guided by an instinctive pull towards the source of sweetness he so fervently sought.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity of exploration, Souza stumbled upon a clearing—a clearing adorned with vibrant flowers and buzzing with the industrious activity of bees. And there, nestled among the blossoms, he found it—the object of his quest: a hive dripping with golden honey.

With trembling hands and a heart filled with joy, Souza approached the hive, his senses intoxicated by the heady aroma of honey. Carefully, he reached out, gathering the precious liquid in a makeshift container fashioned from a hollowed-out gourd.

As he made his way back home, his prize held securely in his grasp, Souza couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment wash over him. For he had embarked on a journey fraught with challenges, and yet, he had emerged victorious, with the sweet reward of his labor to show for it.

And so, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the forest floor, Souza returned home—a triumphant explorer, a hero in his own right, and the bearer of honey, the sweetest treasure of all.

This excerpt captures Souza's adventurous spirit and determination as he sets out to find honey in the depths of the forest. It highlights the sense of wonder and excitement that accompanies exploration, as well as the satisfaction that comes from achieving one's goals.

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