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Literature: Understanding Drama - JSS2 English language Lesson Note

Literature in english - Understanding Drama 

Drama, a captivating form of art, is composed of several crucial elements. These elements, first identified by the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle in his work "Poetics", are the building blocks that shape a dramatic piece. Let's delve into these elements:

1. Plot: The plot is more than just the story; it's the sequence of events and incidents that unfold in a harmonious and logical manner. It's like a journey that starts at the beginning, travels through the middle, and reaches the end. The plot is where conflicts arise and get resolved, creating a captivating narrative. In a drama, the plot is typically divided into acts and scenes, each contributing to the progression of the story.

2. Character: Characters are the individuals that exist within the drama. They are known by their words and actions. Characters can be of two types:
    - Round Character: A round character evolves as the story progresses. They may mature or deteriorate, reflecting the dynamic nature of real-life individuals.
    - Flat Character: A flat character remains constant throughout the play. They are usually minor characters who support the development of the major or round characters.

3. Diction/Language: This encompasses spoken words and body language, including smiles, hand gestures, and other non-verbal cues. Language can hint at a character's mental state, wealth, gender, and more. It plays a crucial role in making the drama understandable to the audience.

4. Thought/Theme: The theme is the underlying message or lesson that the playwright wants to convey. It could be a moral or a viewpoint, such as the wrongness of stealing or lying.

5. Music: Music includes songs, dances, and choruses that form part of the dramatic work. It's a common feature in many forms of literature, including opera and traditional African drama. Music also refers to sound effects and speech patterns, such as pitch, rate, rhythm, volume, and articulation.

6. Stage: The stage is the physical space where the drama unfolds. It includes elements like scenery, lighting, sound, and the movement of actors.

7. Audience: The audience comprises individuals who watch or listen to the drama. Their presence distinguishes theatre from other forms of entertainment like film and television.

8. Spectacle: Spectacle is the visual aspect of a production. It includes stage design, costumes, makeup, lighting, scenery, and the movement of actors. It enhances the aesthetic appeal of the play and provides information about it.

9. Script: The script is the written text of the play's story. It serves as the foundation for the performance.

10. Acting: Acting involves the imitation and impersonation of characters in a drama. It brings the characters to life through their speeches and actions.

11. Sounds: Sounds are the audible elements in a drama. They help set the mood and include various noises like the sound of wind, gunshots, music, and more that occur during a drama performance.

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