Meaning of persecution - JSS3 Christian Religious Studies Lesson Note
Persecution is an act of treating people in a cruel and unfair way especially because of their religion, race or political beliefs. In the case of the early church, persecution was the stiff opposition to the gospel of Christ in a severe manner to stop the propagation of the gospel. There were several acts of persecution against the early church. One of such was the killing of Stephen, a vibrant deacon in the days of the apostles. This persecution was basically from the religious class who were majorly the upper class in the society to stop the disciples from spreading the gospel. This religious class constitute the priests and the scribes who didn’t want to lose their reputation and relevance in the society. Saul, one of the major persecutors was a scribe and he was the one who supervised the killing of Stephen. The disciples experienced terrible persecution in the early days of the church, some died and some had to run away from Jerusalem. Some were arrested and detained in prison, some were beaten mercilessly and left half dead. But to the glory of God they survived this and were able to pass Christianity to next generation.