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Revising the Sounds /a:/ and /æ/ - JSS2 English language Lesson Note

Revising the Sounds /a:/ and /æ/

Understanding and correctly pronouncing the sounds /a:/ and /æ/ is important for clear and accurate English speech. These vowel sounds are distinct and can change the meaning of words if not pronounced correctly.


The Sound /a:/

/a:/ is a long vowel sound, often referred to as the "long A" sound. It is produced by keeping the mouth open and the tongue low, with the lips relaxed.


Pronunciation Tips:

- Open your mouth wider.

- Keep your tongue low and towards the back of your mouth.

- Make sure the sound is prolonged.


Examples of Words with /a:/:

1. Car: /ka:/

2. Father: /ˈfa:ðər/

3. Garden: /ˈɡa:dn/

4. Part: /pa:t/

5. Calm: /ka:m/



The Sound /æ/

/æ/ is a short vowel sound, often referred to as the "short A" sound. It is produced by keeping the mouth open but less wide than for /a:/, and the tongue is positioned slightly higher and more forward in the mouth.


Pronunciation Tips:

- Open your mouth moderately.

- Keep your tongue low and towards the front of your mouth.

- The sound should be short and crisp.


Examples of Words with /æ/:

1. Cat: /kæt/

2. Apple: /ˈæpl/

3. Back: /bæk/

4. Hat: /hæt/

5. Man: /mæn/


Contrasting /a:/ and /æ/

To help distinguish between /a:/ and /æ/, it's useful to compare words that differ only by these sounds. Practising minimal pairs can improve your pronunciation and listening skills.


Minimal Pairs:

1. Cart ( /ka:t/) vs. Cat ( /kæt/)

2. Calm ( /ka:m/) vs. Cam ( /kæm/)

3. Heart ( /ha:t/) vs. Hat ( /hæt/)

4. Farm( /fa:m/) vs. Fam ( /f æm/)

 5. Fast ( /fa:st/) vs. Fat ( /fæt/)


Practice Exercises


Exercise 1: Word Identification

Listen to the following words and identify whether they contain the /a:/ or /æ/ sound.

1. Bath

2. Mass

3. Grass

4. Rat

5. Pass



1. /a:/

2. /æ/

3. /a:/

4. /æ/

5. /a:/


Exercise 2: Sentence Practice


Read the following sentences aloud, paying attention to the pronunciation of /a:/ and /æ/ sounds.


1. The cat sat in the car.

2. Father asked for an apple.

3. She has a hat and a heart of gold.

4. The man ran fast in the park.

5. I found a calm spot in the garden.



Mastering the pronunciation of /a:/ and /æ/ is essential for clear communication in English. By practising these sounds through minimal pairs, word identification, and sentence practice, you can improve both your pronunciation and listening skills. Remember to pay attention to the position of your mouth and tongue to produce these sounds accurately.

Recommended: Questions and Answers on Grammar: Review of Prefix and Suffix; Speech Work: Revising the Sounds /a:/ and/ ǽ/; Writing: An account of an Outing for a School Magazine Vocabulary Development: Government and Politics. for JSS2 English language
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