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Types of Family Crisis - JSS2 Home economics Lesson Note

1)  Arrival of a new baby: The arrival of a new baby is normally a joy to the family but it can also be a source of crisis in the following ways;

  • The father may feel neglected as mother turns all her attention to the baby. 
  • Other children may also feel neglected and become jealous. 
  • Arrival of a new baby means more pressure on family resources e.g more money will be needed for the baby's needs I.e, more demand on the mothers time and energy.

2) Clashes of personality: Family members differ in their abilities, likes and dislikes. They also differ in the was they react to situations. Some are fast while others are slow. Regardless of all the differences, they are expected to agree with each other and work together in harmony. However, when they disagree seriously, there may be clashes in personality and family crisis will occur.

3) Loss of job/employment: When a family member especially the bread winner looses his job a serious crisis results from it. Loss of job would be as a result of unexpected retirement, retrenchment, redundancy, when the establishment is distressed and folds up in such situations family needs can no longer be met. For instance, education of the children can come to a sudden end.

4) Divorce: Divorce means the break-up of a marriage. This is one of the most serious crisis in any family. It is even more serious when children are involved and parents disagree who takes which child. Divorce has a negative effect on the husband and wife, children and in-laws.

5) Death of family member: Death is traumatic and it causes severe emotional shock. The death of a family member may shatter the trust of the other members of the family and also the separation of family members. For instance, the death of the bread winner could mean the loss of hope for children and wife.

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