Healthy feeding and eating practices II - JSS1 Home Economics Past Questions and Answers - page 1
Define food additives.
Food additive are substances deliberately added to improve its taste, flavor, color, texture, appearance, etc. Examples of food additives are nutmeg, curry, thyme, dry catfish, orange peels, locust beans, etc.
State 5 uses of additives.
1. To improve the flavor of the food.
2. To improve the appearance and color of the food.
3. To improve the taste of the food.
4. To excite appetite.
5. To act as a tenderizer.
State 4 effects of additives.
1. It can lead to physical breakdown.
2. It can cause emotional and mental disorder.
3. It can lead to health problem.
4. It can lead to anti-social behavior.
Mention 6 additives that should not be taken into the body.
1. Spoilt food/fruits
2. Alcohol
3. Tobacco
4. Marijuana
5. Sour food
6. Expired food
What are food additives?
substances added to food to improve flavour, texture, or appearance
naturally occurring nutrients in food
harmful chemicals found in food
ingredients used to preserve food indefinitely
Which of the following is an example of a food additive used to preserve freshness?
sodium benzoate
What is the purpose of using food additives in processed foods?
to enhance taste and appearance
to reduce nutritional value
to increase self life
to cause allergic reactions
What is the role of food additives in preventing bacterial growth in food?
flavor enhancing
What is the purpose of using food coloring additives?
to reduce fat content
to add flavor
to increase shelf life
to enhance the appearance of food