Contact sports 2 - JSS1 Physical and Health Education Past Questions and Answers - page 2


What are some benefits that individuals can gain from participating in contact sports?

Some benefits include improved cardiovascular health, enhanced teamwork skills, increased self-confidence, and opportunities for socialization.

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How do safety measures contribute to reducing the risk of injuries in contact sports?

Safety measures such as wearing appropriate protective gear and regular training in proper techniques help minimize the risk of injuries by providing physical protection and teaching athletes how to perform maneuvers safely.

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What are the primary responsibilities of officials in contact sports?

Officials in contact sports are responsible for enforcing the rules, ensuring fair play, penalizing infractions, maintaining the integrity of the game, and promoting a safe competitive environment for athletes.

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Why is it important for coaches and officials to enforce rules in contact sports?

Enforcing rules in contact sports helps ensure fair competition, prevent dangerous behavior, minimize the risk of injuries, and maintain the integrity of the game.

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How do contact sports contribute to the overall development of individuals besides physical skills?

Contact sports teach individuals valuable life skills such as discipline, teamwork, resilience, and sportsmanship. They also provide opportunities for personal growth, building self-confidence, and developing social relationships.

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