Power Generation - JSS2 Basic technology Past Questions and Answers - page 2


Which power generation method involves capturing and utilising methane gas from organic waste for electricity production?


Solar power


Biomass power


Wind power


Tidal power

correct option: b
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What is a common disadvantage associated with renewable energy sources like solar and wind power?


High initial installation costs


Dependence on water availability


High greenhouse gas emissions


Reliability issues

correct option: a
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Which power generation method relies on the gravitational pull of the Moon and Sun to generate electricity?


Solar power


Tidal power


Geothermal power


Biomass power

correct option: b
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What role do turbines play in various power generation methods?


Converting mechanical energy into electrical energy


Producing heat from fossil fuels


Harnessing natural forces to generate electricity


Stepping up or stepping down voltage levels

correct option: c
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Which power generation method is most commonly associated with the potential for catastrophic accidents, such as meltdowns?


Hydroelectric Power


Geothermal power


Nuclear power


Biomass power

correct option: c
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What are the primary methods of power generation, and how do they differ in their energy sources?

The primary methods of power generation include thermal, hydroelectric, nuclear, and renewable sources such as solar and wind. Thermal power relies on combustion of fossil fuels or biomass to heat water and produce steam, while hydroelectric power harnesses flowing water to spin turbines. Nuclear power generates heat through nuclear reactions, and renewable sources like solar and wind directly convert natural resources into electricity through photovoltaic cells or turbine rotation. Each method varies in energy source utilisation, impacting their environmental footprint and operational characteristics.


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What are the advantages and disadvantages of thermal power generation compared to other methods?

Thermal power offers continuous operation and high reliability but comes with disadvantages such as air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. In contrast, hydroelectric power boasts renewable energy benefits and low operational costs but faces challenges related to environmental impact and water availability. Nuclear power provides high energy output with low emissions but requires stringent safety measures and management of radioactive waste. Renewable energy sources like solar and wind offer sustainability and minimal environmental impact but may be intermittent and involve high initial installation costs.

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How do practical demonstrations of power generation methods enhance understanding of their operation and significance?

Practical demonstrations provide firsthand insights into the functioning of power generation methods. For instance, visits to thermal power plants illustrate combustion processes and steam turbine operations, while tours of hydroelectric facilities demonstrate water flow control and turbine dynamics. Simulations of nuclear reactors elucidate nuclear fission and heat generation principles. Renewable energy installations showcase technologies like solar panels and wind turbines, highlighting energy conversion processes and environmental benefits. These demonstrations deepen comprehension of theoretical concepts and promote awareness of technological advancements in energy generation.

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What role do turbines play in various power generation methods, and how do they contribute to electricity production?

Turbines are essential components in power generation methods as they convert mechanical energy into electrical energy. In thermal and nuclear power plants, turbines are driven by steam produced from heat generated by burning fossil fuels or nuclear reactions. In hydroelectric power, turbines harness the kinetic energy of flowing water to generate electricity. Similarly, wind turbines convert kinetic energy from wind into electrical energy, while solar photovoltaic cells directly convert sunlight into electricity. Turbines play a critical role in enhancing efficiency and ensuring reliable electricity production across diverse power generation methods.

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What are the environmental considerations associated with different power generation methods, and how do they influence energy planning and resource management?

Power generation methods vary in their environmental impacts and sustainability. Thermal power generation contributes to air pollution and carbon emissions, necessitating strategies for emission reduction and clean energy transition. Hydroelectric power alters ecosystems and water flow patterns, requiring careful environmental assessments and mitigation measures. Nuclear power poses risks related to radioactive waste management and nuclear accidents, demanding stringent safety protocols. Renewable energy sources like solar and wind offer cleaner alternatives but require land use considerations and integration into grid systems for reliable energy supply. Understanding these environmental factors is crucial for informed energy planning and sustainable resource management globally.

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