Courses » JSS3 » JSS3 Christian Religious Studies » Christian Religious Studies Exam Topics » The church at Jerusalem (Acts 15:1-35) - Questions and Answers

The church at Jerusalem (Acts 15:1-35) - JSS3 Christian Religious Studies Past Questions and Answers - page 1


What is the work of the church synods or council?

It is standard practice for well organised Christian churches worldwide to hold yearly meetings, councils, or synods in which they consider many matters and issues of concern affecting the church, their members and the Christian faith generally. The church synods or council also serve as avenues for drawing strategic plans of action that would guide the ministry in the direction of achieving specific goals in the areas of administration, teaching , evangelism, and discharge of their corporate social responsibility to their immediate communities.

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What were some contentious issues encountered?

The basic issue was whether all converts should be expected to meet the requirements of being admitted to the christian community with strong Jewish cultural and religious background tied to the laws of Moses. The fundamental problem was whether the council would initiate a policy to make it mandatory for converts to become followers of the Jewish religion before being admitted to the christian community.

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Mention some lessons to learn from the Jerusalem council

1. The Jerusalem council depicts that problems are part of human life.

2. Faith with work is necessary for salvation

3. God always provides the faithful with solutions to their problems as far as they call on him.


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Discuss the letter sent to the church at Antioch

James suggestion was accepted by the council. They wrote a letter to the church at Antioch which was delivered by the hand of Judas, called Barsabbas, and Silas. These men accompanied Paul and Barnabas back to Antioch where the letter was read to the christian assembly. The council condemned the trouble makers who had disturbed the peace and unity of the church at Antioch. The council stated that they did not act with the authority of the apostles and elders at Jerusalem. The council, after praising the good work of Paul and Barnabas, made known their message to the young church. It declared:

 For it has seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us to lay upon you no greater burden than these necessary things: that you abstain from what has been sacrificed to idols and from blood and from what is strangled and from unchastity. If you keep yourselves from these, you will do well. Farewell. (verse 28 and 29).


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Mention 5 cities Paul's first missionary journey covered.

Here are five cities covered by Paul's first missionary journey; 

- Salamis: Paul and Barnabas arrived at this port city in Cyprus, sharing the gospel in Jewish synagogues.

- Paphos: Paul and Barnabas moved across the island of Cyprus to this city, where they encountered a Jewish sorcerer named Bar-Jesus.

- Perga: Paul and Barnabas set sail for this city in Pamphylia, Turkey, where John Mark left them and returned to Jerusalem.

- Pisidian Antioch: Paul and Barnabas traveled to this city in Phrygia, Turkey, where they were invited to speak in the local synagogue.

- Lystra: Paul and Barnabas fled to this city in Lycaonia, Turkey, after persecution in Iconium.

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 _______ and ______ spoke about their work among the gentiles 


Paul and Barnabas


Paul and Silas

correct option: a
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James told the gentiles that idolatry and fornication were the first two ______ in nature 


moral or right


moral or law

correct option: b
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Faith with work is necessary for salvation 





correct option: a
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God always provide the faithful with solutions to their problem as far as they call on him





correct option: b
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______ suggestions was accepted by the council 





correct option: a
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