Husbandry of Beverages - SS1 Agriculture Past Questions and Answers - page 2
What is the primary reason for sun-drying coffee beans?
To add flavor
To remove outer fruit layer
To roast the beans
How should roasted coffee be stored to maintain freshness?
In a damp place
In airtight containers
In direct sunlight
What climate is suitable for cocoa cultivation?
Which beverage crop benefits from terracing on hilly terrain?
What's the ideal temperature range for coffee cultivation?
5°C to 20°C
15°C to 30°C
25°C to 40°C
Describe the key steps involved in cocoa bean processing after harvest.
After cocoa pods are harvested, the beans are extracted and fermented for several days to develop their flavor. Fermentation is followed by drying the beans in the sun. Once dried, they are roasted to enhance their flavor and aroma. After roasting, the beans are cracked and winnowed to remove the outer shell, leaving cocoa nibs. These nibs can be ground into cocoa liquor, which can be further processed to produce cocoa solids and cocoa butter.
What are the primary factors to consider when selecting the right type of soil for tea cultivation?
The primary factors to consider when selecting soil for tea cultivation include drainage, pH level, and nutrient content. Tea plants require well-draining soil to prevent waterlogging. The pH of the soil should be slightly acidic to neutral, typically in the range of 4.5 to 5.5. Additionally, the soil should be rich in organic matter and nutrients to support healthy tea growth.
Explain the role of shade trees in coffee farming and how they benefit coffee plants.
Shade trees play a crucial role in coffee farming by providing protection from direct sunlight. They create a microclimate with reduced temperature and humidity fluctuations, which is ideal for coffee plants. Shade trees also help prevent soil erosion, promote biodiversity, and improve overall soil health. They contribute to the sustainability of coffee farming by supporting a diverse ecosystem within coffee plantations.
Discuss the importance of timing in the application of fertilizers for successful cocoa production.
Timing is critical when applying fertilizers in cocoa production. Fertilizer application should align with the growth stages of cocoa trees. Generally, the main fertilizer application is done at the beginning of the rainy season when the trees start active growth. This ensures that the nutrients are available when the plants need them most. Additionally, split applications throughout the year may be necessary to meet the changing nutrient requirements of the cocoa trees.
Compare and contrast the manuring and fertilizer requirements for tea and coffee cultivation.
Both tea and coffee benefit from nitrogen-rich fertilizers, but there are differences in their requirements. Tea prefers regular applications of nitrogen to promote leaf growth, and organic materials like compost can enhance soil fertility. Coffee, on the other hand, needs a balanced mix of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (NPK). Organic matter such as coffee pulp and mulch can also be used. The specific ratios and timing of fertilizer application can vary based on soil and climate conditions.