Mail order business firms - SS1 Commerce Past Questions and Answers - page 1
What is the main feature of mail order business firms?
The physical store location is close to the customer
The physical store location is close to the customer
Customers can browse through catalogs or online platforms
What is one advantage of mail order business firms?
Products are delivered instantly
Customers can physically inspect products before purchasing
Customers can shop from the comfort of their own homes
What is one disadvantage of mail order business firms?
There are no shipping costs
Products are delivered instantly
Returning or exchanging products can be more complicated and time-consuming
Returning or exchanging products can be more complicated and time-consuming
What is the meaning of mail order business firms?
Companies that sell products or services through catalogs or other printed materials
Companies that sell products or services only in physical stores
Companies that sell products or services through social media platforms
Companies that sell products or services through catalogs or other printed materials
What is one advantage of mail order business firms for people in remote areas?
They can physically examine products before purchasing
They have immediate access to goods and services
They can access goods and services that might not be easily available to them otherwise
They can access goods and services that might not be easily available to them otherwise
What is the main disadvantage of mail order business firms?
Customers cannot physically examine the products before purchasing, relying solely on descriptions and images provided in catalogs or online.
What does the fulfillment process involve in mail order business firms?
Order processing, inventory management, and shipping logistics.