SS1 Commerce Exam Questions Topics
1st term
Meaning and Scope of commerceFunctions of commerceCharacteristics of commerce E-commerce: meaning, and functionsDifferences between commerce and e-commerceHistorical background of commerce in Nigeria.Factors affecting the growth of commerce.The barter system.Meaning of occupationClassifications of occupation.Factors that determine types of occupation and employment.Meaning and types of industry Factors determining the volume of production.Factors of production Limitations to division of labour.Specialization and exchange.Meaning of tradeTypes of trade Relationship among the different types of trade.Retail trade.Factors to be considered before setting up retail shop.Small scale retailingStore/market traderUnit/tied shopReasons for survival or small scale retailers.Problems of small scale retail business.Super marketDepartmental storeMultiple/chain storeMail order business firmsHyper marketVariety store/one top shopRetail/whole sale co-operative societyBrandingSelf servicesAfter sale services- Factors to be considered before choosing a particular channel of distribution board.Meaning, elimination and survival of the middlemen.Criticism/reasons that may warrant the elimination of middlemen.Merchant wholesaler: functions and types.Agent middlemen
2nd term
Vending machineReasons why retail trade may fail.Meaning and functions of Manufacturer and RetailerChannels of distributionTypes of wholesalers.WarehousingBonded warehousing State/queen’s warehousingPublic warehousingManufacturer’s warehousing.Meaning and types of foreign tradeAdvantages and disadvantages of foreign trade.Differentiate between export, import and entrepot.Balance of trade and balance of payment. Tariffs/restrictions in foreign trade.Documents used in foreign tradeNigerian export promotion councilNigerian airport authority and Nigerian ports authorityNigerian export authorityCommodity exchangeRequirements for tradingTypes of commodity exchangeBenefits of commodity exchange.Constraints to commodity tradingDifferentiate between commodity and stockSole proprietorshipPartnership
3rd term
Types of career opportunities in commerce The co-operative movement.Types of co-operative societiesPublic enterprisesReasons for government ownership of public enterprises.Advantages and disadvantages of public enterprises.Types of public enterprisesMeaning of limited liability company Types of limited liability companyLegal requirement for the formation of a limited liability companySources of capitalOther sources of capitalAdvantages and disadvantages of limited companies.Liquidation/dissolution of a limited liability company.Definition of trade associationsAims and functions of trade associationsChamber of commerceTypes of business collaborationsMeaning and history/ evolution of money.Qualities of moneyTypes and forms of money.Meaning, importance and forms of transportation.Land (road & rail) advantages and disadvantages.Water (advantages and disadvantages).Air transportationPipeline; advantages and disadvantages.Definition of communicationTypes of communicationAdvantages and disadvantages of communication