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Historical Development of computers II - JSS1 Computer Sudies Past Questions and Answers - page 3


Examine the key features of second-generation computers, emphasizing the transition from vacuum tubes to transistors. Discuss the impact of transistors on the size, energy consumption, and reliability of computers. Provide examples, such as the IBM 1401 and IBM 7090 series, and explain their contributions to advancements in data processing capabilities.

Second-generation computers, spanning from the late 1950s to the mid-1960s, saw the adoption of transistors, replacing vacuum tubes. This transition led to a reduction in size, energy consumption, and heat production, contributing to increased efficiency and reliability. Examples like the IBM 1401 and IBM 7090 series utilized transistors, magnetic core memory, and improved input/output capabilities, setting the stage for further developments in computer technology.

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Explore the significant developments in third-generation computers, focusing on the transition from transistors to integrated circuits (ICs). Discuss the impact of ICs on the efficiency, performance, and miniaturization of computer systems. Highlight the introduction of high-level programming languages and their role in making computers more user-friendly.

The third generation of computers, from the late 1950s to the mid-1960s, witnessed the replacement of transistors with integrated circuits (ICs). ICs combined multiple transistors on a single semiconductor chip, enhancing efficiency and reliability while paving the way for miniaturization. The era also introduced high-level programming languages like COBOL and FORTRAN, making computers more user-friendly and accessible to a broader audience.

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Examine the transformative advancements in fourth-generation computers, with a focus on the role of microprocessors. Discuss the impact of microprocessors on the size, cost, and performance of computers, leading to the development of personal computers (PCs). Highlight the shift from mainframe to personal computing and the contributions of companies like IBM, Apple, and Microsoft.

The fourth generation, spanning from the mid-1970s to the mid-1980s, saw the rise of microprocessors, revolutionizing computing technology. Microprocessors integrated entire central processing units (CPUs) onto a single chip, reducing the size and cost of computers while enhancing performance. This led to the development of personal computers (PCs) and a shift from mainframe to personal computing. Companies like IBM, Apple, and Microsoft played key roles in popularizing and shaping the landscape of personal computing.

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Discuss the defining features and advancements in the fifth generation of computers. Explore the role of artificial intelligence (AI), parallel processing, and very large-scale integration (VLSI) circuits. Highlight the applications of fifth-generation computers in various fields and their contributions to sophisticated tasks such as medical diagnosis, financial modeling, and scientific simulations.

The fifth generation of computers, emerging in the mid-1980s, is characterized by advancements in artificial intelligence (AI), parallel processing, and very large-scale integration (VLSI) circuits. These features enable computers to understand natural language and execute multiple tasks simultaneously, enhancing computational speed and efficiency. The applications of fifth-generation computers extend to healthcare, finance, and scientific research, contributing to breakthroughs in areas like medical diagnosis, financial modeling, and scientific simulations.

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