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Cover Image for ACEONDO 2nd Batch NCE Admission List 2019/2020

ACEONDO 2nd Batch NCE Admission List 2019/2020

2nd batch NCE admission list 2019/2020 of Adeyemi College of Education, Ondo (ACEONDO) released. See how to check ACEOndo admission status. 2019/2020 Second supplementary a...
Cover Image for OAU ldmission list 2019/2020 is out!

OAU ldmission list 2019/2020 is out!

Obafemi Awolowo University releases the names of candidates offered admission into their various undergraduate programs in the 2019/2020 session. All 2019/2020 aspirants of...
Cover Image for FUTO Postgraduate Admission List 2019/2020 Released!

FUTO Postgraduate Admission List 2019/2020 Released!

FUTO 2019/2020 merit PG Admission List: check your Postgraduate admission status of the Federal University of Technology, Owerri FUTO. This is to inform all postgraduate aspira...
Cover Image for CRUTECH​​​​​​​ Admission list 2019/2020 released!

CRUTECH​​​​​​​ Admission list 2019/2020 released!

All aspirants Cross River University of Science and Technology (CRUTECH) are hereby informed that the school has released its 2019/2020 admission lists. Hence, candidates who a...
Cover Image for ESUT 2nd batch admission list 2019/2020 released!

ESUT 2nd batch admission list 2019/2020 released!

Enugu State University of Science and Technology (ESUT) has released its 2nd batch admission list for the 2019/2020 admissions exercise. Follow the steps in the post to check i...
Cover Image for FUPRE 2nd Batch Admission List 2019/2020 released

FUPRE 2nd Batch Admission List 2019/2020 released

The Second Batch Supplementary Admission list 2019/2020 of Federal University of Petroleum Resources Effurun (FUPRE), Delta State has been released by the school authority. So,...
Cover Image for ABU admission list 2019/2020 released

ABU admission list 2019/2020 released

ABU admission list 2019/2020 is out and also available on the school website. The 2019 Aspirants of the school can now check their admission status on the school portal. Th...
Cover Image for FUGASHUA admission list 2019/2020 is out (check admission status!)

FUGASHUA admission list 2019/2020 is out (check admission status!)

Federal University Gashua (FUGASHUA) has released its admission lists for the 2019/2020 admission session. Details on how to check admission status are found in this post. ...
Cover Image for LASU admission lists 2019/2020 (updated)

LASU admission lists 2019/2020 (updated)

How to Check LASU 2019/2020 admission status: Candidates of Lagos state university who participated in the 2019 screening of the university can proceed to check their admission st...
Cover Image for ESUT Admission List 2019/2020 is out - check yours

ESUT Admission List 2019/2020 is out - check yours

ESUT Admission List released for 2019/2020 candidates. Aspirants of Enugu state university of Science and Technology, ESUT can now confirm their admission status. All candidate...