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How To Choose A Life Career - 7 Important Factors

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how to choose a life career
How to choose a life career

Choosing a career is one of the most important decisions that you have to make. It determines your future and dictates your success in life.

Therefore, choosing a career should be done by carefully evaluating what you like and what you can do.

One of the biggest mistakes people make is to choose a career based on the advice of their parents, friends, or other people around them.

The reasons for this are many, but mostly because they allow outside influence to determine their future.

If you want to choose a career that will bring you long-term success and happiness, you must find out for yourself what you like instead of just following along with someone else's opinion.

Here are some factors that will help you choose the best life career for you:

1. Whom Do You Want To Be?

Maybe you want to start a family or travel around the world. Do you want a career that gives you stability, flexibility or is location independent?

Maybe you're just not sure what kind of lifestyle you want at all. If this is the case, try asking yourself these questions:

What would make me happy? What would make me feel like I've achieved something? Would it give me fulfillment? 

This will allow you to dive deeper into who you are and what's important to you in life.

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2. What Skill Sets Do You Have?

First, what is a skillset? A skillset is the knowledge, abilities, and experience needed to perform a job. Your skillset includes hard skills and soft skills.

When choosing a life career, you need to consider the skillsets you have. Your skillsets contribute a huge impact on your life career.

If you want to choose the best life career for yourself you need to have the right skill sets. With the wrong skillsets choosing a good life career will be hard for you.

So ask yourself: What skill sets do I have for the life career I want?

3. Are There Certifications That I Can Get?

The certifications you have are an important factor when choosing a good life career.

For instance, let's say you want to be a medical doctor. You have to undergo training in the university as a medical student and get a certificate.

As a person, you know whom you want to become. List down all the certifications you need to get to make your life career possible.

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4. What Kind of Schooling or Experience Do I Need?

Understanding the kind of schooling or experience you need goes long way when choosing your life career. Many people tend to go wrong in this area.

For instance, let's assume you want to become an accountant (your life career) you need quality and sound schooling and education to make this possible.

Now let's assume you want to be an international football you don't need much schooling like that of an accountant. 

What you need is to go for the required training to become a footballer.

Understanding this simple factor will set you on the right path.

5. Can I Get Paid For What I'm Doing?

The financial aspect of your chosen career is very important. No one wants to spend their life scrimping, but at the same time, no one wants to spend their whole life in debt, either.

A good rule of thumb is that you should be able to comfortably cover your basic needs (rent, utilities, food, transportation) with income from your chosen line of work (career) and still have enough left over to put away in savings each month.

If you're struggling just to make ends meet at first, chances are pretty good that you won't be able to continue on this path once bills start piling up.

A good question to ask yourself is: Can the life career I want to choose pay my bills?


6. How Many People Are In This Field?

Another important factor you should always consider when choosing a good life career is how many people are in the field and industry you want to choose?

Is the field less competitive or highly competitive? What is the estimated number of people working in that field or industry? How many people get hired each year? And so on.

Questions like these are very important. They will you to choose the best life career and set you on the right path.

7. Is This Something I Could See Myself Doing For Years?

Many people don't consider that important factor before choosing their life careers and they live to regret it today. This is why it is better to follow your passion and what interests you.

It is not possible to continuously do what you don't like for a long period. That is why you choose a life career you can't tired of easily. That is, you enjoy doing it all the time.

So you need to ask yourself the question again: Is this something I could see myself doing for years?


Choosing a life career is what you should be deliberate about. It affects whatever happening to your life.

No one should choose your life career for you because you will be the one living the life and not them. It is an important and delicate decision you must choose for yourself.

The 7 important factors listed above are to help and guide you in choosing the best life career for yourself. Do ensure to read again and follow them.

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