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How to Answer JAMB CBT Exam Questions on a Computer (With or Without a Mouse)

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As the JAMB Computer Based Exam(CBT) draws closer, one of the important preparations every JAMB candidate needs to make is to learn how to answer JAMB questions on a computer, without a mouse (or with a mouse).

The good news is that it is easy to take your JAMB CBT exam on a computer, so, don't panic about it.


How to answer JAMB CBT questions WITHOUT a mouse

JAMB CBT without a mouse
JAMB CBT without a mouse

JAMB itself has done a great job of explaining how to take the exam on a computer, using some images; but I will add more explanations for those images from the JAMB website to make it easier for you to understand.

1. How to select an option/answer to the question

JAMB CBT without a mouse
JAMB CBT without a mouse

JAMB sets objective questions. For each question, there are options labelled A, B, C and D. What you need to do is select the option that you think is the correct option.

To select an option, click the corresponding button (A, B, C or D) from the keyboard.

For example, if you want to select option B as the answer, click "B" on the keyboard. If you change your mind and want to select a different option for the question, just click the corresponding option from the keyboard.

2. How to move to the next or previous questions

JAMB CBT without a mouse
JAMB CBT without a mouse
  • To move to the next question using the keyboard, simply click the button labelled "N".
  • Similarly, to move to the previous question, click the button labelled "P".

3. How to submit your exam

Warning: You cannot go back to the exam after you've submitted it!

JAMB CBT without a mouse
JAMB CBT without a mouse

When you're done and you're ready to submit, click the button labelled "S". You'll get a message asking you to confirm that you want to submit. Click "Y" to confirm and submit.

How to cancel if click submit by mistake

JAMB CBT without a mouse
JAMB CBT without a mouse

If you click the submit button by mistake, you can click the "R" button to return the exam, that is, to prevent the submit action from completing.

Remember to study JAMB past questions and answers, all JAMB subjects for free.

How to answer JAMB questions on a computer with a mouse

If during your JAMB CBT exam, you prefer to use the mouse there is a mouse available for you to use, here are some general guidelines on how to use a mouse and the cursor to answer CBT questions.

JAMB CBT exam question screen
JAMB CBT exam question screen

Using the mouse and pointer

The mouse is the device you use to navigate the questions during your JAMB CBT test. Depending on the CBT software, you can also use buttons as is the case of JAMB CBT described above.

How to use a computer mouse
Description of a computer mouse


Basic navigation with the mouse:

Left click: From the image above showing the mouse, "Left Click" selects whatever action you wish to perform.

For example, if you want to move to the next question, just bring the pointer (shown below) to the button that says "Next..." and press the left button and that will take you to the next question.


Computer pointer
Computer pointer

The pointer shows you the location of the screen you are on. All you have to do is move your mouse and the pointer will move in the direction you move your mouse.

For example, you can move the pointer to the Calculator button and left-click to select/launch the calculator.

Right Click: This is used to view available options. When you right-click, the computer will show you available options.

But note: these options may have nothing to do with your JAMB CBT test. So, use right-click with caution.

All the options for your JAMB CBT test will be there on your screen. I don't expect functionalities that will require a right click.

Scroll wheel: this is the circular part of the mouse. It is like a wheel and as the name implies, you can use it to scroll up or down the screen.

Assuming you are reading a passage and want to move up to the first paragraph, just rotate the scroll wheel in that direction and you can scroll up to the part of the screen you want. The same applies to scrolling down.

JAMB CBT Exam Tips

Before I conclude, here are some tips you might find useful for your JAMB CBT exam:

Invest enough time in studying JAMB's past questions. Because of this, we have made available the EduPadi JAMB CBT App you can use.

Do not worry about using a computer because it is easy. But to get yourself familiar with it assuming you have not, I strongly recommend you practise JAMB CBT and also sit for the JAMB mock exam before the main JAMB CBT exam. This will help you build your confidence level.

Do not leave questions unanswered, if possible

Not like there is any rule that says you must answer all the questions, no, but I think it is better to watch your time and if by any chance you are running out of time, go to the questions you don't know their answers and click any options. The reason for this is that you might be lucky to click the correct option, who knows? Nothing more.

Be calm. And learn how to overcome exam anxiety. Also read my post on how to pass the JAMB CBT exam, both are very important and you might find them helpful.



Alright, that is it, a guide on how to answer JAMB questions with the computer. If you have any questions, suggestions or contributions, please drop them in the comment box below. Thank you.

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I pray i no go forget

April 06 2024
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April 02 2024
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April 02 2024

Thanks a lot

March 28 2024
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Thank u sir,for the pieces of advice u shared with us

March 24 2024
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March 09 2024
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Thanks,may GOD help us nd U also ????????????

April 04 2024

nice advise

February 14 2024
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February 03 2024
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thanks for the brief teaching.i need more

May 11 2023
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Thanks, 'twas great????

April 27 2023
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thanks for the assistance its really helpful

April 27 2023
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