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JAMB admission status checker

 /JAMB,Admission Lists
Check your admission status with JAMB admission checker: candidates seeking admission into any of Nigerian universities, polytechnics, colleges of Education and other higher institutions in Nigeria can confirm their admission status on JAMB portal. It's likely your admission status will first appear on JAMB CAPS before your school even released the admission list. So, you check jamb admission status (that is if your school have offered you admission) or check JAMB admission letter status on JAMB Portal using JAMB CAPS.

How to check JAMB admission status

To check your admission status, you need to visit JAMB CAPS on JAMB e-Facility, and at JAMB Portal Login, enter your email address and password to login. NOTICE: If you don't know how to use JAMB CAPS, please first see: How to accept or reject admission offer on JAMB CAPS. Follow the link above on how to use JAMB CAPS to confirm, accept or reject offer of admission. It's that easy. All the best. Check your admission status with JAMB admission checker: using JAMB CAPS at JAMB e-Facility, you can know if you have been offered admission or not
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