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Cover Image for Effects of ASUU Strike On Students In Nigeria

Effects of ASUU Strike On Students In Nigeria

Effects Of ASUU Strike On Students Over the past years, the ASUU strike is a major educational issue that tertiary education face in Nigeria.  There is almost no year t...
Cover Image for List Of Universities Under ASUU (Latest Update)

List Of Universities Under ASUU (Latest Update)

ASUU Strike One of the challenges facing tertiary institutions in Nigeria is the ASUU strike (Academy Staff Union of Universities).  The ASUU strike causes a slow in the sta...
Cover Image for 3 Types of students during this ASUU strike

3 Types of students during this ASUU strike

Don't believe what you heard: ASUU strike is not hated by every student. While some wish "they should call off the stupid strike", even though it isn't a stupid effort, some st...