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Corporal Punishment Should Be Abolished In Schools

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Corporal Punishment
Corporal Punishment

Corporal punishment, also known as physical punishment or physical discipline, is the act of using physical force to inflict pain as a means of punishing the misbehaviour of students.

Some schools around the world still engage in this form of punishment, but there is a growing movement to abolish it. 

In this blog post, we will discuss reasons why corporal punishment should be abolished in schools. 

We will examine the effects of corporal punishment on students, its alternatives, the legal and moral implications of using physical force as a means of discipline. 

However, our goal is to educate readers on the detrimental effects of corporal punishment and advocate for more effective and humane methods of discipline in schools.

Brief History Of Corporal Punishment In Nigeria

Corporal punishment has been used as a form of discipline in schools in Nigeria for many decades. The practice was introduced during colonial rule in the 19th century and has been a part of the educational system since then.

In the early 20th century, schools widely use corporal punishment as a means of maintaining order and discipline. 

The punishment was inflicted with a cane or ruler, and students were beaten for several offences. This ranges from misbehaviour to poor academic performance.

Despite widespread criticism of the practice, the use of corporal punishment in schools continued in Nigeria throughout the 20th century. 

In the 1990s, human rights organizations began to push for the ban of corporal punishment in schools, citing the negative effects on students' physical and emotional well-being.

In the year 2000, the Nigerian government banned the use of corporal punishment in schools, but the ban was largely ignored, and the practice continued in many schools. Recently, there has been a renewed effort to enforce the ban and promote alternative forms of discipline in schools.

Today, corporal punishment in schools remains a controversial issue in Nigeria, with some educators and parents still advocating for its use. 

However, the majority of Nigerians now recognize that it is a harmful and outdated form of discipline that schools should no longer use on students.

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Reasons Corporal Punishment Should Be Abolished In Schools

Corporal punishment has been a widely debated topic in the education system for many years. 

While some proponents argue that it is an effective means of maintaining order and discipline in schools, the majority of evidence suggests that it is not only ineffective but also harmful to students.

The Ineffectiveness Of Corporal Punishment

1. It is important to note that corporal punishment is often used as a quick-fix solution for misbehaviour in schools, but it does not address the root causes of the problem. 

Instead, it only serves to temporarily suppress the behaviour without addressing the underlying issue. Research has shown that students who are subjected to corporal punishment are more likely to repeat the same behaviour in the future rather than learn from their mistakes.

2. The physical harm caused by corporal punishment can have long-lasting effects on students. Studies have linked it to physical injuries, including bruises, cuts, and broken bones. 

Furthermore, physical punishment can harm students' emotional and mental well-being, leading to increased levels of anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem.

3. It reinforces a harmful message to students that violence is an acceptable way to resolve conflicts. This can harm students' development and relationships, as they may internalize this message and adopt aggressive behaviour patterns in their personal lives.

4. It is a violation of students' human rights and dignity. It is widely recognized that all individuals have the right to protection from cruel, inhumane, and degrading treatment, and corporal punishment contravenes this principle.

The Legal And Ethical Issues Surrounding Corporal Punishment

Corporal punishment raises legal and ethical issues because it involves physical force and can result in injury. 

In many countries, it is illegal in schools, and some countries have banned it altogether for children and adults. 

The United Nations has called for the prohibition of all corporal punishment, stating that it violates the rights to dignity, security and physical integrity. 

Ethically, it raises questions about the use of violence as a means of discipline and the right of children to be protected from physical harm. 

The use of corporal punishment may also perpetuate a cycle of violence and contribute to a broader culture of violence in society.

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Harms Caused By Corporal Punishment

1. Physical harm: It can cause physical injury, ranging from bruises to serious harm, such as broken bones.

2. Psychological harm: It can lead to anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, and decreased sense of security.

3. Increased aggression: Research has shown that punishing children physically is likely to lead them to engage in aggressive behaviour.

4. Damaged parent-child relationship: It can damage the trust and bond between parent and child.

5. Lack of learning: Children who are punished physically may not understand the reasons for their behaviour and may not learn alternative behaviours.

6. Reinforcement of violence: It may contribute to a broader culture of violence in society by normalizing the use of physical force.

7. Legal implications: In some countries, physical punishment of children is illegal, and parents may face legal consequences for using it.

The Solution To Corporal Punishment

Alternative Forms Of Discipline That Have Proven To Be More Effective

Alternative forms of discipline are methods of correcting behaviour that differ from traditional forms, such as punishment and physical reprimand. 

Research has shown that these alternative forms can be more effective in promoting long-term changes in behaviour and improving child development outcomes.

1. Positive Reinforcement: This approach focuses on rewarding positive behaviour, rather than punishing negative behaviour. This can include praise, privileges, and tangible rewards.

2. Redirection: Instead of punishing, redirecting focuses on guiding the child towards more positive behaviour. This can involve redirecting the child's attention to a more appropriate activity.

3. Problem-Solving: Encouraging children to find solutions to their problems and conflicts helps build problem-solving skills and fosters independence. This can involve teaching children to identify and express their feelings, as well as teaching negotiation and compromise skills.

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4. Natural Consequences: Allowing children to experience the consequences of their actions helps them understand cause-and-effect relationships. This can include allowing them to suffer the consequences of their choices, like cleaning up a mess they made.

5. Limit-Setting: This approach involves setting clear boundaries and consequences for unacceptable behaviour. It also involves consistent follow-through to enforce the consequences.

These alternative forms of discipline have shown to be more effective in promoting positive behaviour changes and improving child outcomes in the long term. It proves to be a better alternative in comparison to traditional forms of discipline like punishment and physical chastisement. 

By fostering positive relationships and encouraging problem-solving skills, alternative forms of discipline can help children develop into well-adjusted, responsible adults.


The evidence clearly shows that corporal punishment is ineffective and harmful to students and should be abolished in schools. 

Instead, teachers should focus on alternative forms of discipline that are more effective and respectful. This include positive reinforcement, restorative justice, and counselling. 

By promoting and implementing non-violent forms of discipline in schools, we can create a safer and more supportive learning environment for all students.

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