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5 Tech skills every student should have (irrespective of school or course of study)

It doesn't matter if you are a science student; art, business, or social science student, technology is in every field and almost everywhere in our daily lives. So, if you are a student, it is expected that you're familiar with certain technologies and how to use them. This is very important and very much expected! What are those technologies a student must be at least familiar with?

1. How to use a computer

In this computer age, it is not good for a student not to have at least the basic knowledge of computer. Computer skills are so important because computers are used in so many things and places, including various exams outside schools and some internal school exams. Another key area the computer skills is so important is a job or career. In fact, computer skills are a requirement for almost all the jobs out there, irrespective of the job role. Therefore, if you don't the skills yet this is the right time for you to learn some computer skills so you don't limit yourself and your chances.

2. Social media skills

This is perhaps the easiest one right? I mean, all you need is a phone and Internet connection and you are good to go. While knowing how to click likes, post comments or share your own pictures on Facebook are social media knowledge, you can also learn other very useful things about social media. For example, you can learn how small businesses use Instagram to market their products and services and drive sales; how to work towards your dream job or career on LinkedIn; or how people make money on YouTube. Social media knowledge beyond the basics is very useful because of the important role it plays in the business world.

3. Search engines

As a student, you just can't do without search engines. Google is the biggest search engine out there. Knowing the right strategies to search for things on Google is a must-have skill for every student. Google Search engine is indispensable. Whether you are researching for your homework or project, Google always comes handly. Therefore, you need to understand how to use Google to find the right answers.

4. Essential gadgets

There are basic gadgets every student should know how to use. The most important one seems to be the smartphone. Know how to operate a smartphone, use the camera, scan document, surf the web, etc. Of course, knowledge of other things such as a laptop is crucial.

5. Essential tools and software

Apart from popular ones like MS Word, there are a number of very useful software and tools students need to have the knowledge of. For example, instead of saving your files on your phone, you can save them securely on Google Drive. I published an article that gives more insight into this; see very useful apps every student needs (and they are FREE apps). It is tech age and you need to at least follow along.
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