Looking for WAEC expo WhatsApp group links where you can get the WAEC answers for the exams Here is how it works...
I created a number of WhatsApp Group for the candidates preparing for WAEC. Recently I've been getting a number of DM in my WhatsApp from candidates preparing for WAEC. Most of them are interested in WAEC runs, also known as "expo".
Download WAEC past questions and answers PDF, free of charge!
I made a post for
JAMB runs and many students found that useful. This WAEC runs deals on something similar.
WAEC runs requests
The screenshots below show some of the messages I get on how they can get answers during the WAEC exam:

You will notice that some of the candidates are ready to pay. Surprisingly, I never asked anyone to pay for anything!
How it works
They collect your money and not deliver
Usually, what happens is that you see guys claiming they will send you answers on or before your WAEC exam. Then give you all the assurances in the world on how legit their WAEC expo is.
Unfortunately, these guys are just after your money. Once they get the money, mission accomplished.
They send you unverified answers
Some try to keep their promise. On the exam day, they will send you any "answers" they can find flying around that day. He neither solves the questions nor verifies the answers. He just wants it to be like he kept his promise.
You fail because your WAEC runs failed you
Eventually, your chances of passing the exam are not there because the person you hope on to help you has failed you. Before you know it, you will hear the invigilators asking you to submit and leave the exam hall.
Recommended: If you want to practice WAEC past questions before the exam, visit our Classroom and select WAEC.
The number one thing I want to point out is that WAEC runs, WAEC expo or whatever fancy name you know it by is simply what it is - exam malpractice. As we all know it, exam malpractice is illegal. It is cheating.
My one big advice for you is to say no to WAEC runs; not only because it can fail you but also because it is illegal. Not to mention what will happen to you when you eventually get caught in the act!
Work hard in your studies and pass WAEC in flying colours. It is not as difficult as you think if you're ready to study.
Wishing you success!